La La Land Royal Palm Beach

Signed Waivers are Required for Participation

Before placing your booking, please fill out a waiver by clicking the link below:

Large Basic Package: $630.00 for the first 16 kids
2 Hour
- 2 Hours in Large Party Room
-15 Guests + Birthday Child ($20 Each additional guest Max. 30)
- 4 Large Cheese pizza
- Fruit Punch/ Lemonade/ Water
- Private Party room for 120 minutes.
- Access to play area unlimited time.
- Party host for entire time of the party.
- Set up and clean up of the party room.
- Party decor.
- Unlimited play time after the party is over
-- Only book this package if you are expecting at least 16 children and/or a lot of adults. Minimum charge of package applies even if less than 16 children attend if you book this package.

** This package requires a $200 Non- Refundable Deposit**
Large Basic Package
Large Complete Access: $790.00 for the first 16 kids
2 Hour
- 2 Hours in large party room
- 15 guests plus Guest of Honor (MAX. 30 Children)
- 4 Large Cheese Pizza
- Fruit Punch/ Lemonade for every child
- access to play area unlimited time.
- Private Party room for 120 minutes.
-Party host for entire time of the party.
-Set up and clean up of the party room.
- Party decor.
- unlimited play time after the party is over
- Unlimited rides on our Bumper Cars per child
- unlimited access to our Climbing Walls
- - Only book this package if you are expecting at least 16 children and/or a lot of adults. Minimum charge of package applies even if less than 16 children attend if you book this package.

** This package requires a $200 Non- Refundable Deposit**
Large Complete Access
Basic Package: $435.00 for the first 12 kids
1 Hour and 30 Min
- 11 Guests + Birthday Child
- 3 large Cheese pizza
- Fruit Punch/ Lemonade
- Private Party room for 90 minutes.
- Access to play area unlimited time.
- Party host for entire time of the party.
- Set up and clean up of the party room.
- Party decor.
- Unlimited play time after the party is over
-" The Guest Of Honor" is always at NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE !!

** This package requires a $100 Non- Refundable Deposit**
Basic Package
Complete Access Package: $540.00 for the first 12 kids
1 Hour and 30 Min
- 3 Large Cheese Pizza
- Fruit Punch/ Lemonade for every child
- access to play area unlimited time.
- Private Party room for 90 minutes.
-Party host for entire time of the party.
-Set up and clean up of the party room.
- Party decor.
- unlimited play time after the party is over
-unlimited access to Bumper Cars and Climbing Walls
-" The Guest Of Honor" is always at NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE !!

** This package requires a $100 Non- Refundable Deposit**
Complete Access Package