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Monday Winter CNC Cub 5:00-5:50pm

CNC CUB is a climbing class specifically for 5-7 years of age. This class focuses on being active and healthy. 5:00-5:50pm Starting Monday Jan 27. to March 24rd. No class Feb 17th

CNC KID lvl 1 (Monday 6pm)

Weekly class, from Jan 27th to March 24(6-6:50pm) for kids 7-12 yrs. These classes focus on getting kids active and learning the basics of climbing. No Class Feb 17

CNC KID lvl 1 (Tuesday 6pm)

Weekly class, from Feb 4th to April 1st(6-7pm) for kids 7-12 yrs. These classes focus on getting kids active and learning the basics of climbing. No Class during Feb break

WinterC KID lvl 2 (Tues 7pm)

Weekly class for kids 7-13 yrs. Level 2 builds on skills taught in Level 1. More time is spent working on projects and focusing on physical fitness through play.
Feb 2 -April 1 No class Feb 18th

Climb 'n Discover Feb Break 9am-4pm

Learn the basics of climbing and the mysteries of the prehistoric era. During this camp, the afternoon will be focused on scientific activities. 9am-4pm (care available 8:30am-5pm) Feb18th-21st

Feb break Half Day Camp 9am-12pm

For ages 7-12. These are half day camps focused on fitness and fun. Campers will learn the basics of climbing, play games and meet new friends.
Drop off between 8:30 and 9:00 am pickup 12-12:30pm. Hot pizza lunch now available. Feb 18th-21st

Climb 'n Create Day Camp (Mar 10) 9am-4pm

Spend the day with us learning the basics of climbing and creating astonishing art pieces! This camp was created in concert with our friends over at Wet Paint Pottery. During this camp, climbers will get to experiment with several mediums through projects designed specially for us by the best art studio in town! (care available 8:30am-5pm)

Half Day Camp (March 10) 9am-12pm

For ages 7-12. These are half day camps focused on fitness and fun. Campers will learn the basics of climbing, play games and meet new friends.
Drop off between 8:30 and 9:00 am pickup 12-12:30pm. Hot pizza lunch now available.

Climb 'n Adventure April Break 9am-4pm

Spend five mornings with us learning amazing climbing skills. The afternoon will be filled with adventure-themed experiments and activities.. 9am-4pm (care available 8:30am-5pm) April 21st - 25

April break Half Day Camp 9am-12pm

For ages 7-12. These are half day camps focused on fitness and fun. Campers will learn the basics of climbing, play games and meet new friends.
Drop off between 8:30 and 9:00 am pickup 12-12:30pm. Hot pizza lunch now available.

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