Silver Birthday: $260.00 for 6 guests
1 Hour and 45 Min
45 minutes of VR play time, and an hour in a private Party Room to eat, open presents and have cake.

Party package for up to six VR players (one adult required in room)

Minimum age requirement is 9 and up.

Guests are welcome to bring their own food and drinks. We offer pizza & drinks that can be added to your party if you choose.

This includes 5 kids and 1 adult in the VR room. Other adults and children are welcome to attend, but only 6 VR experiences are included.

Please be advised if less guests attend, other guests may fill the unused VR spots. The price is a flat rate for the party. (no discounts for unused spots)

Prices include tax
Silver Birthday
Gold Birthday: $445.00 for 12 guests
1 Hour and 45 Min
Time Slot including 45 minutes of VR play time, and an hour in the private Party Room to eat and do presents and cake

Party package for 12 Vr players (2 adult, 1 required per room)

Minimum age requirement is 9 and up
Guests are welcome to bring food/drinks. We offer pizza/drinks that can be added to your party if you choose.

Other Adults and children can come but only 12 VR experiences included

This booking requires 2 VR rooms, therefor closed to the public for the party duration.

Please be advised if less guests attend, other guests may fill the unused VR spots. The price is a flat rate for the party (no discounts for unused spots)

Prices include tax
Gold Birthday
Platinum Birthday: $590.00 for 18 guests
1 Hour and 45 Min
Time Slot including 45 minutes of VR play time, and an hour in the private Party Room to eat and do presents and cake

Party package for 18 Vr players (3 adult players, 1 required per room)

Minimum age requirement is 9 and up

Guests are welcome to bring food/drinks. We offer pizza/drinks that can be added to your party if you choose.

Up to 25 Adults and children can attend but only 18 VR experiences included.

This booking requires all 3 VR rooms, therefor closed to the public for the party duration.

Please be advised if less guests attend, other guests may fill the unused VR spots. The price is a flat rate for the party (no discounts for unused spots)

Prices include tax
Platinum Birthday